A 6-year-old boy was among dozens of churchgoers shot in the tragic Sutherland Springs massacre back in November. After spending two months in the hospital, he was given a heartwarming Texas homecoming with a special fire truck ride from the volunteer firefighter who saved his life.
Hulda Regehr Clark has proved to be a polarizing figure among the medical fraternity and the ailing patients. She has been hailed for her “cures” by the patients while being reviled by the practitioners of alternative medicine as a fraud while victims and relatives of victims who have been robbed of their money and their health and sometimes of their life itself consider her as a woman who “preyed” on the hopes of the victims by promising them a miracle cure.
Hulda Regehr Clark (1928-2009) was a naturopath, an author and a practitioner of alternative medicine who claimed all diseases were caused by parasitic infections.
Hulda Regehr Clark studied biology at the University of Saskatchewan and her doctorate from the University of Minnesota. While her bio sketch states that she procured her doctorate in physiology, the Register of Ph.D. degrees conferred by the University of Minnesota states that she received her degree in Zoology. She also listed a Naturopathic degree from now-defunct Clayton College of Natural Health.
Clark famously claimed that all diseases, including HIV/Aids and all forms of cancer were due to Parasites and that they could be cured by “zapping”the parasites with the electrical devices she marketed. Clark has written several books on this subject and has operated numerous clinics in the United States. A string of legal difficulties and a robust investigation by the Federal Trade Commission saw her fleeing to Tijuana, Mexico, where she ran the infamous Century Nutrition clinic.
Taking photos has been popular since the day the camera was invented in the 19th century. The daguerreotype was invented in the 19th century. This was the earliest version of the camera. People were so excited to capture moments as much as they are now.
English writer G.K. Chesterton once wrote, “The criminal is the creative artist; the detective only the critic.” But not all criminals can reach the threshold of being a creative artist. This has been proved by the dumb ways in which many criminals have been caught in the past. They have often failed so miserably that it borders on being hilarious. Here are ten such criminals who got caught due to their hilarious stupidity.
Composed of more than a hundred billion neurons, our brain is one of the most complex parts of our body. It controls our body, actions, speech, and all other functions. But surprisingly, with a few tricks, we can control our brain or more specifically our thoughts and actions. The trick is to know some psychological techniques and use them wisely. Here are 10 such useful tricks which can help you in long run.
Why do people kiss? Why is this physical act so meaningful and emotionally powerful? But kissing goes way beyond a couple that’s in love. There are a variety of kisses that happen amongst family and friends.
There are so many different kinds of kisses and they can mean a number of things, according to wisetoast.com. The site later mentions that a kiss can be a powerful, magical experience.
A kiss offers a special connection to the other person, whether it’s between friends or a warm greeting. For some, a kiss is an expression of our souls, which explains why there are so many options to choose from. Let’s be real, the way you kiss your mother is way different from how you kiss your partner.
Here is a list of 7 of the most popular kinds of kisses and what they actually mean. Some of them may seem a little obvious, while others might actually surprise you!
1. Most of us, if not all, are pretty familiar with the french kiss. It’s pretty popular amongst couples because of its intensity and for being the most passionate of all the kisses. According to yourtango.com, the kiss was originally called “Florentine Kiss” and it originally came from British and American soldiers who were coming home after WWI.
2. Then there’s the quick kiss. According to the Women Daily Magazine, a quick kiss isn’t necessarily a romantic one, but it’s pretty great when you first start dating. Or, it’s a way for couples to greet each other in public. Your mouth is usually closed and just the lips touch. Women Daily Magazine notes that the kiss should last more than 3 seconds…
3. Kiss on the cheek. Whether you are with your grandmother, your mom, or even your dog…a kiss on the cheek is always a great way to show someone you care about them. Totescute.com writes that a kiss on a cheek is the perfect way to greet someone. It’s typically a friendly sign of affection for anyone you know!
4. A vacuum kiss definitely only happens between people who are into one another. It typically occurs at one point or another during a makeout session. According to kissing.com, a vacuum kiss happens when you suck the air out of your partner’s mouth. Sometimes it could happen by accident, but usually, it’s a sign of an intense, passionate make-out.
5. Herinterest.com gives an understanding of what exactly a forehead kiss means.When your partner kisses you on the forehead, it means that they care and respect you. Of course, it means love as well, but there’s something so sensual and sweet about a forehead kiss. It has a deeper meaning.
6. Just like a kiss on the forehead, according to buzzle.com, a kiss on the hand can also signify respect and admiration. Only this time, it’s not necessarily just between two people who may like each other more than friends. Fun fact, according to Buzzle, the kiss originated during the 17th and 18th century in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
7. Eskimo kisses have been around for quite some time, and are typically used as the romantic option for those who live in cold climates. According to WiseToast, it’s when two noses rub against each other, moving back and forth. People who lived in cold areas had to do it or else they’d get their lips stuck together.
According to NASA’s biographical data, Gordon Cooper, who was an astronaut with NASA, was selected as a Mercury astronaut in 1959. On May 15-16, in 1963, Cooper piloted the Faith 7 spacecraft on a 22-orbit mission. Cooper also served as a command pilot of the 8-day 120 revolution Gemini mission which started on August 21, 1965. It was during that flight where he and fellow astronaut Charles Conrad established a new space endurance record. Cooper also became the first man to make two orbital flights. Cooper died in 2004 due to heart failure but revealed a space treasuresecret that he had been keeping from NASA for many years, according to CBC News.
CBC News reports that Cooper was instructed to find potential nuclear threats by pinpointing magnetic anomalies while he was piloting the Faith 7 spacecraft for the Mercury-Atlas-9 expedition. Unfortunately, the anomalies that he was recording were much too small to be nuclear devices.
According to Darrel Miklos, who is a professional treasure hunter, he says that Cooper knew right away that they had to be shipwrecks because they were smaller and in the middle of nowhere–they were found in very isolated regions throughout the Atlantic, Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico, he told the As It Happens host Carol Off.
CBC News reports that Cooper recorded these coordinates in a notebook, and when he finally returned to earth; he started mapping them out on a sea chart. Miklos calls this “a treasure map from space.” These coordinates consumed most of Cooper’s life, CBC News reports. He compiled research about famous shipwrecks that matched coordinates on his map. Cooper’s findings led him to believe that the shipwrecks could be from the colonial period. During this period, ships would constantly travel to Europe from America, carrying treasures full of gold and silver.
According to Miklos, a lot of that treasure in that period never made it back. He also added that some of it could be from Christopher Columbus’ lost fleet. According to the National Geographic, in 1494, Christopher Columbus made his second journey to the Americas. He took more ships and more men because he wanted to create the first European colony in the New World. Unfortunately, in just a few short years, his settlement would perish. Almost one-fifth of his inhabitants were dead and at least six of his ships were sunk at the bay.
Cooper had plans to organize an expedition to find these buried treasures, but as I mentioned earlier, he passed away in 2004 due to heart failure before he could finish his work. But before he passed away, he did what any good adventurer would do; pass on his knowledge to another adventurer. Cooper gave Miklos the map and research with it.
Miklos says that he hopes that Cooper’s map and research can help bring light to the shipwrecks that have yet to be discovered. He wants to tell the stories of these shipwrecks and show the world and share it with host countries that allow him and his team to conduct research and survey their countries.
The beautiful part about the world is that it’s extremely diverse. Weird things that are socially unacceptable in one country could be considered beautiful in another.
Physical defects are one of the weird things that some countries consider beautiful. If you have crooked teeth, in some countries you’d be a hot commodity. Do you have really pale skin? Not to worry, there is one country that would love to have you.
Below you will find the top weird things that are considered sexy in various countries.
Scars: In certain African countries like New Guinea, they still decorate their bodies and faces with artistic scars. These scars are usually used to mark milestones for men and women such as puberty and marriage.
Overweight: In Mauritania, which is in Northwest Africa, if a woman wants to get noticed by a man, she must have a lot of folds on her stomach. In order to make sure they gain the proper weight; families send them to farms where they eat up to 16,000 calories a day, according to Lindsey A. Guerrero, who has spoken about the force-feeding of these young girls.
Crooked Teeth: A perfect smile in western civilization is a perfectly straight line of teeth. In Japan, perfect teeth are not straight, they’re crooked. Dentists are in high demand for those who want this look.
Pale Skin: In various parts of Asia, pale skin is beautiful. When the temperature is hot and the sun is shining, many people will wear masks when they go to the beach to protect their pale skin.
High Foreheads: In the medieval times, women often removed half their hair on the top of their head to have high foreheads. The same custom is done by women in the Fula tribe in Africa.
Surgical Dressing on the Nose: Some people get rhinoplasty to fix a deformed part of their nose. In Iran, people line up for this procedure to get the dressing put on their nose.
Red Skin & Stretched Lips: In Ethiopia, there is a tribe called the Mursi. The girls stretch their lips with large disks. The larger the disk, the better her social status becomes. The Himba, who live in northwest Namibia, cover their body in red ochre and fat to protect their body from the sun.
Monobrow: In certain areas of Tajikistan, the monobrow is considered a sign of beauty. The locals believe that a monobrow is an indication that a person will be very fortunate in life.
We may be the most advanced species around, but humans do a lot of things that could be deemed as bizarre behavior. So, it comes as no surprise that there are creatures out there that indulge in activities that appear strange or unseemly to us. Across the animal kingdom, there are examples of behaviors that are weird, counterintuitive, or downright gross. Here are a few of them.
1. Turkey vultures pee on themselves to cool off and stay healthy.
Animals can urinate just about anywhere and it wouldn’t be considered abnormal, but turkey vultures have found a way to make even that weird. That’s because the birds have been observed peeing on themselves. Strange as it may seem, scientists have a word for the practice: “urohidrosis.” Apparently, some birds urinate on themselves as a cooling mechanism. The evaporation of the liquid creates a cooling sensation which helps them get by in some of the warmer regions of South America. The urine might also help boost their immunity since the acids contained in it could sterilize their legs after the many hours spent around rotting flesh.(1,2)
2. Flatworms use their penises as weapons in an effort to inseminate each other.
First, some background… Flatworms are hermaphroditic, which means that any flatworm could function as either the male or female in a relationship. Which flatworm takes on what role depends on which one gets inseminated. How they go about making this decision, as you’ve probably guessed, isn’t through level-headed discourse. Instead, flatworms that are ready to mate go to war in a phenomenon known as “penis fencing.’ Each participant uses their penis as a weapon in an attempt to be the one who inseminates the other, therefore becoming the male in the relationship and not having to endure the rigors of pregnancy. The process can last up to an hour at times, with each flatworm being stabbed multiple times with the other’s penis.(1,2)
3. Sand tiger shark embryos cannibalize each other in the womb.
Sand tiger sharks take sibling rivalries to a whole other level. Scientists analyzing female sand tiger sharks across different stages of pregnancy have noted that the number of embryos seems to progressively reduce in the later stages of pregnancy. Where are the missing embryos going? They’re being consumed by fellow embryos in a fight for survival that starts a lot earlier than anyone would expect. Scientists conjecture that this occurs because female sand tiger sharks carry embryos born from multiple males, and the embryos cannibalize each other in a struggle to propagate only their own father’s genes.(1,2)
4. Male dolphins have been observed wrapping eels around their penises to masturbate.
More questionable penis behavior, this time from the seemingly wholesome dolphin. According to John Hopkins University professor David Linden, dolphins have been observed employing a few, let’s say offbeat ways, to pleasure themselves. That includes using live eels to assist with masturbation. The seafarers apparently wrapped the eels around the head of their penis in what was presumably an attempt to use them as improvised lubrication. Dolphins have also been seen masturbating using dead fish, so it’s clear they’ve got some weird inclinations in the self-pleasuring department.(1,2)
5. The white-throated snapping turtle can breathe through its butt.
Every breath you take, every move you make is possibly a little bizarre if you’re a white-throated snapping turtle. That’s because this species of turtle is known for its ability to breathe through its butt. The more classy way to express that is using the term “cloacal respiration,” which describes the turtles’ ability to absorb air through tissues located in their backsides. The white-throated snapping turtle is an endangered species, unfortunately, so conservation efforts are underway to keep them breathing, even if how they do it is a little unusual.(1,2)
Sea otters might just be the cutest things alive, but don’t let their adorable appearances deceive you. Otters can get a little rowdy sometimes, especially the weaker ones in the group find it hard to find a mate that wants them over the more dominant males. These males often get desperate and turn to raping baby seals to satiate their desire for sex. Unfortunately, this often violent mating ritual can involve the otter holding the seal’s head underwater, leading to its demise.(1,2)
7. Ravens imitate wolves to bring them to carcasses and then steal the meat.
Image credit: Pixabay
Not all weird animal activity is sexual in nature (even if that seems to be the case). Ravens have an interesting symbiotic relationship with wolves which leads to some interesting behaviors. Ravens are known to be extremely smart birds, maybe even the most intelligent birds known, some might say. However, they aren’t the best hunters on their own. To make up for their lack of prowess in that department, ravens imitate wolves to call out to them when the potential exists for a kill. Once the wolves show up, make a kill, and break down a carcass, the ravens take their share and go on their way.(1,2)
8. Adelie penguins prostitute themselves in exchange for stones.
The harsh weather of the Antarctic isn’t easy to deal with, and it seems to bring out some scurrilous behavior among Adelie penguins. It all starts when penguins eager to mate realize that they’re low on stones, a valuable construction material for nests in the frozen ice floes. Females take it on themselves to acquire the required stones, but not by foraging for them. Instead, they head out in search for males who have stones, and the openness to trade them in return for a jolly good time. She then heads back home with her reward, a stone that will contribute to the construction of her nest.(1,2)
9. Male Ceratioidei anglerfish fuse into the body of females to mate and never let go,
When it comes to mating behaviors, there are few more unique than those of the male anglerfish of the Ceratioidei suborder. Males of this species are known for their extremely small size in comparison to females. When mating season comes around, males head off across the depths of the ocean in search of a female. When they find one, they latch onto their body using their teeth. Then slowly, their circulatory system begins to fuse with the female, meaning that they literally become one with their partner. Talk about a clingy boyfriend.(1,2)
10. Male clownfish switch gender to become the dominant female in their group.
It pays to be at the top of the pecking order in a group, and clownfish go to great lengths to achieve that. Clownfish colonies are always matriarchal. The largest fish is female and the leader of the group. All the other members are male since that’s the gender every clownfish has at birth. When the dominant female of the group dies, the sexually active male takes over her spot by changing his gender and becoming female. In return, one of the smaller males in the group becomes the sexually active male. And on and on it goes.(1,2)
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